Notas del curso de Human-Computer Interaction Brindado por Alan Dix – Vol.1

En este post transcribí simplemente algunas de las notas que tomé durante el curso de Human-Computer Interaction del Interaction Design Foundation, cuyo profesor es Alan Dix.

El curso, que recomiendo fuertemente, está en

Este post está relacionado a la temática “Emotions and Experience”.

Observación: ¡Las notas las redacté en inglés porque el curso es en inglés!

Espero que les sirvan 🙂

Emotions and Decision-making

We often think of emotions as opposed to reason, but decision-making is helped by our emotions.

Higher-level reasoning drives your emotions, which then help you to make decisions.
We often think of emotions as opposed to reason, but actually emotions are more like a a fast-acting trigger.


Designing for Peak Experience

Peak products VS. Good-enough products:

  • Peak products should be really great for a small number of people.
  • Good-enough products should be good enough for a large number of people.

Good-enough products will always lose when people have the ability to choose individually.

You might design a good-enough product that – within it – allows for peak experiences, such as Facebook for example. Because Facebook has the API interface that allows developers to create applications, it suddenly allows lots of little apps, each of which can be a peak product.

Where peak experiences matter, if you design it for the average, you will lose because some peak experience will win in that context.

Creating extreme personas – specific and eclectic – are a suitable method for peak experience design.


Extended Episodic Experience

Experiences are not singular and unrelated but instead a flow, a stream, a thread.

Much of our experience is:

  • Extended – happening over protracted periods. This is related to time as a whole.
  • Episodic – composed of discrete events that are linked between each other.


Extended Episodic Experience – Theory

First Order – direct

Second Order – reflective

  • Prospective. Ex.: At the moment that you are posting a picture in Facebook, you could think “Will she feel happy to see this picture?”
  • Retrospective. Ex.: When looking at a picture you could ask yourself “Why did he write that narrative?”

Higher Order – reflexive. Ex.: How will others view my actions/intentions now?


Intertwined Threads

Threads from different people get intertwined between each other.

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